Jack Schwager - Winning Methods of the Market Wizard
Jack Schwager has found fame through his 'market wizard' book series where he wrote up detailed interviews with some of the world's most successful traders. Be they stock traders, futures traders, currency traders, commodity traders, or mutual fund traders; the market wizards he interviews have all developed a winning method and style that helped them find financial success. In this 1 hour lecture Jack Schwager explains the characteristics and behavioural patterns that the best traders share in common, and proffers insights into how you can develop those same winning characteristics. This lecture is well worth watching; both entertaining and informative, and it provides a great preview into the published work he has. Jack Schwager is the author of The Complete Guide to the Futures Markets, Market Wizards, The New Market Wizards, Fundamental Analysis, and Technical Analysis. See also: 15 Hedge Fund Market Wizards and related viewing: Alexander Elder - Trading for a Living
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Great Video thanks for sharing. Jacks unique experience makes him the heavy weight expert on this subject.