Henry Kravis is the guy that made leveraged buyout (LBO) a common term in finance and a frequently used strategy; giving rise to large and powerful private equity funds. Henry Kravis is the K in the firm "KKR" (Kohlberg Kravis Roberts); a large private equity firm which grabbed headlines in the takeover battle for RJR Nabisco (the largest ever leveraged buyout at the time). Along with his cousins Jerome Kohlberg and George Roberts, he is one of the pioneers of the private equity and buyout firm business. This documentary provides an insight into his career and how he rose to this position, and will be of interest to anyone looking to get into investment banking or private equity or just those who are curious about someone who is still a significant corporate power broker, innovator, and one of the masters of finance.
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Finance Documentaries: http://www.financedocumentaries.com/2012/09/game-changers-henry-kravis.html